Planning Your Action

Here is some guidelines for how to plan your action with your leadership team!

Guiding Questions to Plan an Event or Action

When you are thinking of what events or actions to organize, ask yourself:

  • What is the goal of the event/action? Is the idea to launch a campaign and make public your demand? Is the idea to introduce more people to the campaign and identify leaders?

  • What are the different roles and buckets of work you need to fill? How can you find more people to fill these roles? How can you get support to fill these roles?

  • What is the core message of the action? What voices are you lifting up? Who are you trying to reach with this message? Is your message hopeful?

  • What are the specific objectives of your action? How many people are you trying to get to the event? What will people participating walk away with?

  • What comes after this action? What is the next thing you can invite people to? Will you have a planning meeting first? How can you ensure you do follow up with people that attend your event?

Make a Scaffold of the Roles to Make the Action or Event a Success

Some of the basic roles that are pretty consistent are:

  • Coordinator - Bringing the team together to check in and make sure benchmarks are reached

  • Logistics - Time, Date, Materials, Food, Drink

  • Recruitment - Make sure people are hearing about your event and are invited to come! Local outreach is key. This usually involves digital tools (texting, Facebook event, emails) as well so work closely with the social media lead.

  • Social Media - Promote your event on social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram). This involves creating content (mostly simple graphics and written content, but it can also be artwork and videos). Social media role also makes sure photos and livestream are taken. See the Social Media Guide here.

  • Absorption - Works to plan what comes after the action/event so there is a clear next step for people that want to get involved. This can be a community gathering, a Cosecha initiation training, or a small house meeting.

For more specific scaffolds check out the toolkits linked on the Ideas page here.

Last updated