Current Priorities

Building the Cosecha Base

Since Fall of 2017, Cosecha has been focused on building the Cosecha base across the country. We need a bigger base to be able to escalate and organize massive boycotts and strikes to win permanent protection, dignity, and respect.

What does base building look like? Cosecha circles across the country are starting and growing through campaigns and base building programs. Cosecha circles are part of a national network. Some Cosecha circles are part of local and statewide campaigns, and some are part of national campaigns and national base building programs. Others are just starting out!

There is a team of volunteer organizers that support the Cosecha circles and their leaders on the ground and remotely through providing materials, guides, training, coaching, and campaign support. For more on starting and growing a Cosecha Circle, visit the next chapter.

Resist the Attacks on Immigrants

In addition to building a base, we must be prepared to respond to attacks on our community to expose the crisis that the immigrant community is in and move more people to actively support the movement for permanent protection for immigrants. It is important for a national movement such as Cosecha to remain responsive to the political moment to reach new people in key moments and invite them to join us, get involved, and take action!

Last updated